Diversity & Well-Being Laboratory

世界心理健康日2018 -「你最近還好嗎?」推廣攤位 (2018年10月10日)
(World Mental Health Day 2018 Promotion booth )
適逢10月10日 為世界心理健康日 (World Mental Health Day) ,心理學系多元文化與心理健康研究室於康本國際學術園 (YIA) 地下廣場擺設攤位,向中大各位同學及職員推廣心理健康資訊,希望藉此提升大家對心理健康的意識及去除對精神病的誤解。當日亦會免費派發幸運曲奇和其他有關心理健康的紀念品。
世界心理健康日2018 推廣攤位
日期:2018年10月10日 (三)
時間:12:00 – 18:30
地點:康本國際學術園 (YIA) 地下廣場
內容:心理健康資訊介紹、免費幸運曲奇和紀念品派發 (先到先得,送完即止)
Want to know how we could take better care of ourselves and how we could support people in distress?
In our busy lives, often times we neglect the needs to take good care of ourselves or others, though mental health in fact pertains to every aspect of our daily life and is closely related to everyone.
On October 10th, the World Mental Health Day, the Diversity and Well-Being Laboratory of the Department of Psychology set up a booth at the underground square of the Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA). We aimed to promote mental health to all students and staff at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and to destigmatize mental illness through this event. Free fortunate cookies and other souvenirs were distributed on that day.
World Mental Health Day 2018 Promotion Booth
Date: October 10, 2018
Time: 12:00 – 18:30
Venue: Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA) Underground Square
Content: Mental health Promotion, Fortune cookies and souvenir distribution (first come first served)