Diversity & Well-Being Laboratory

Randomized controlled trial of online mindfulness-based intervention for treatment of depression
Internet-based Mindfulness-based Training (imindful) for People with Depression: Investigation of its efficacy and mechanism of change
Major depressive disorder is a significant public health concern due to its high prevalence, high disease burden, and common comorbidity. One promising approach to enhance the accessibility and serviceability of psychotherapy is to complement the existing health system through evidence-based self-management programs delivered via the Internet. Despite the growing evidence of the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions in the treatment of an array of physical health and mental health conditions, research into the efficacy of Internet-based mindfulness programs and its therapeutic mechanism on the treatment of common mental disorders is relatively scarce. Through the development of Internet-based mindfulness-based training (iMBT) and close examination of its mechanisms, detailed refinement in the program development can be made to maximize its effectiveness for specific populations.
With reference to the current research and service gap, our aims of this study are:
(1) to evaluate the efficacy of iMBT in treating adults with depression as compared to usual care, and
(2) to investigate the mechanisms of iMBT using latent growth curve modeling
We will be recruiting for participants around March to May of 2022. If you are interested in participating, you may contact our research assistant at <imindful@cuhk.edu.hk>. Thanks for your interest!