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Diversity & Well-Being Laboratory

《賽馬會心導遊+計劃》Jockey Club TourHeart+ Project
Carrying on the success of the online stepped care model in the initial 3 years of the Jockey Club TourHeart Project that strived to reduce stigma, promote mental health, prevent anxiety and depression, and treat anxiety and depression among working adults, we are continuing our work in this extension project, Jockey Club TourHeart+ Project (JCTH+), to further harness the power of technology in delivering more personalized and precise mental health solutions to targeted working adults (i.e., corporate employees, teachers, health care providers, unemployed and underemployed individuals).
The JCTH+, funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, spans from Jan 2021 to Jan 2024. Through the AI-empowered website and mobile app of JCTH+, users can receive personalized mental health information and training. Instead of the conventional way of completing assessments and self-guided Internet-based courses, AI-assisted chatbot, intelligence coach as well as human coaches will be employed to provide personalized recommendations and feedback to our users. Webinars, offline workshops, and group therapy will also be provided to further bolster users’ mental health practice. Our aim is to weave mental health into our daily fabric of our lives.
《污捽捽的奇妙旅程》互動網頁 Amazing Adventure Against Stigma Interactive Website
The Amazing Adventure Against Stigma is an online interactive story with content backed by stigma research that introduces mental illness stigma and the difficulties faced by people with lived experience, with the aim to raise awareness in mental illness and reduce mental illness stigma. The website is funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Amazing Adventure
Living with Heart
《心 ‧ 活》網上自學平台Living with Heart Online Self-guided Training
《心 ‧ 活》是一個網上心理健康平台,為參加者提供心理健康自學課程、心理健康問卷、及心理教育資訊。參加者可以從靜觀、慈心、以及認知行為這三類課程中選擇他所需要或感興趣的課程。
本平台為香港中文大學知識轉移基金支持項目,目前為機構、企業、或計劃項目提供服務。如希望使用此服務,請電郵至<> 索取《心 ‧ 活》用戶登記詳情。
Living with Heart is an online mental health platform designed to provide self-guided mental health training courses, mental health questionnaires, and psychoeducation information to users. Users can freely choose between three courses that include mindfulness training, self-compassion training, and cognitive behavioral training.
The platform is funded by the Knowledge Transfer Fund of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Currently, the platform can be accessible at the organizational/company/project level. If you are interested in using this website, please contact us at <>.
《日常心活》Mindful Flourishing Mobile Application
This mobile application is designed to cultivate mindfulness and guide users to become more aware of their present emotions, thoughts, bodily sensations, and inner needs in order to be able to respond to them more consciously and wisely. It contains a record function where users can log their present experience, audios on mindfulness and other related exercises, short articles introducing mindfulness-related concepts, and tips/suggestions in understanding and fulfilling one’s inner needs. The mobile application is funded by the Health Care and Promotion Scheme of the Food and Health Bureau.
Mindful Flourishing mobile application can be downloaded from:
Mindful Flourishing
《決策輔助工具》Decision Aid
Is traditional face-to-face or online psychotherapy more suitable for me?
This tool is designed to help you know more about traditional face-to-face and Internet-based psychotherapy. We hope to equip you with knowledge about depression and psychotherapy, and to help you think about the risks and benefits of psychotherapy using different delivery channels.
Decision Aid
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