Diversity & Well-Being Laboratory

Recovery of mental illness
Self-determination theory-based exercise programmes for the enhancement of exercise adherence and well-being among people with depression: Randomised controlled trial
Ample evidence shows the facilitation effects of physical exercise on mood and physical fitness among people wth depression. However, the low retention and adherence rate in exercise programmes remains a barrier to maximizing the benefits of exercise intervention. Given intrinsic motivation plays a pivotal role in the extent to which individuals initiate and sustain their health behaviors, people with depression’s motivation toward exercise needs to be accounted for. This study proposes a randomised controlled trial to test the efficacy of a Self-Determination Theory-based Exercise (SDTE) programme in promoting exercise adherence, intrinsic motivation, mental well-being, and physical fitness among people with depression. The study period is from April 2014 to August 2016. This study is funded by the Health and Medical Research Fund (11120951).
Concepts of illness, recovery, and personhood on recovery participation and outcomes for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
The consumer model of recovery stresses the need to encourage and empower mental health consumers to live a satisfying, hopeful, and contributing life and pursue personally meaningful goals despite the limitations imposed by the illness. Such consumer model applying to people with schizophrenia is particularly inspiring and influential, because the illness has a profound impact on the individual above and beyond symptoms, including the experiences of self-stigma, reduced quality of life, and disrupted overall well-being. The present study will capture this conceptual framework using qualitative interview, quantitative provider-rated and self-reported measures in a 12-month longitudinal study of people with recent-onset schizophrenia.This study is funded by the General Research Fund of the University Grants Committee and the study period is from January 2013 to October 2015.