Diversity & Well-Being Laboratory

未圓湖畔系列- 日常心活「靜觀體驗日」 (2018年9月22日)
(Mindful Flourishing Day @ Lakeside Walks Series)
日期:2018年9月22日(星期六),14:30 – 18:00
地點:香港中文大學 利黃瑤璧樓 二樓 (離港鐵大學站 五分鐘路程)
靜觀體驗工作坊 (由臨床心理學家帶領)(名額:40)
「靜觀 x 心靈樽」工作坊 (名額:25)
「靜觀 x 捕夢網」工作坊 (名額:30)
When was the last time you put down your phone and observe the scenery by the Lake Ad Excellentiam?
When was the last time you observe your footsteps, notice your breaths, and listen to your inner voice?
We invite you to spend half a day of your hustle and bustle university life to observe.
Mindful Flourishing Day is the opening activity of the Mindful Flourishing Project. It aims to let students know more about mindfulness through practice of different activities. By integrating mindfulness into daily life and living in the present, we hope students can have more inner space to explore themselves and enjoy a flourishing university life.
Date: Saturday, 22nd September, 2018
Venue: 2/F, Esther Lee Building, CUHK
Language: Cantonese
Fee: Free
Target: College students
Activities on Mindful Flourishing Day:
Mindfulness Experiential Workshop (Led by Clinical Psychologist) (Quota: 40)
To take care of yourself and improve mental well-being through observing your bodily sensations, feelings, and thoughts in your daily life.
Mindfulness x MindJar Workshop (Quota: 50)
To settle your mind using MindJar and mindful breathing exercise when feeling anxious and uneasy.
Mindfulness x Dreamcatcher Workshop (Quota: 30)
To observe your bodily sensations, feelings, and thoughts when making a dreamcatcher. The dreamcatcher can be a blessing for yourself or a gift to others.
If you are interested in promoting mindfulness on campus, you can apply to become “Mindful Flourishing Ambassador”. The ambassadors who have completed the training and passed the assessment can deliver mindfulness workshops to fellow schoolmates. At the same time, Ambassadors are invited to use the Mindful Flourishing mobile app to maintain daily mindfulness practice.
Details and application: https://goo.gl/forms/Zv71exJILNwGPjVu2
Enquiry: 39434378
*Mindful Flourishing Project is organised by the Diversity & Well-being Laboratory, Psychology Department of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and it is fully supported by New Life Rehabilitation Association and newlife.330. The project includes mindfulness experiential and interest-based mindfulness workshops, Mindful Flourishing Ambassador Program, and mobile app that promotes flourishing lifestyle through mindfulness. This project enhances college students’ mental well-being through systematic online and offline mindfulness training.