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賽馬會心導遊計劃 (Jockey Club TourHeart Project)


Jockey Club TourHeart Project, funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, is a three-year mental health promotion and anti-stigma project that spans from September 2017 to August 2020. This project strives to promote mental health in the community through evidence-based interventions with the help of modern technology. We aim to build the one-stop online psychological self-help platform in Hong Kong (which is launched in late-June 2018) with the use of a stepped care model to achieve the following goals:​​

JCTH register photo CHI.jpg



Why We're Great >



1. 網上精神健康教育及復元故事

  • 獲取可靠的精神健康資訊,及了解香港對於精神病的誤解​

2. 靜觀及工作倦怠工作坊

  • 了解更多什麼是工作倦怠,並學習如何透過靜觀去照顧自己

3. 說故事工作坊

  • 透過聆聽有精神病經驗的人的故事,從而明白他們所遇到的挑戰及成長

4. 虛擬實境 (VR)

  • 體驗有精神困擾的人被污名化的經歷,從而減少對有精神病的人的誤解




Why We're Great >


1. 身心健康行動計劃(WRAP®)

  • 找出適合自己的方法,建立個人化的計劃去照顧自己

    • WRAP基礎課程(12小時)

    • WRAP帶領員課程(35小時)

2. 日常生活小錦囊

  • 從個人,到人與人之間相處所遇到的問題,從網上取得日常生活小智慧

3. 網上自學課程

  • 認知行為練習

  • 靜觀為本練習

  • 自我慈心練習







Why We're Great >







  1. 靜觀為本訓練​ 

  • 培養靜觀的生活態度,從而提升覺察力、減低壓力並促進身心健康

   2. 認知行為訓練(針對過份思考) 

  • 減少帶來困擾的反覆思考及慣性的逃避,並培養有效的應對行為 


預防抑鬱或焦慮症狀 (給被評估為有中度情緒困擾的人士)

Why We're Great >






而我們亦會向有需要人士進行轉介,從而得到及早的支援, 預防抑鬱或焦慮症狀,及早處理情緒困擾。



及早處理情緒困擾 (給被評估為有較嚴重情緒困擾的人士)

There are 4 levels of activities, training, services


Level 1: Mental health awareness and stigma reduction (for general public)

Raise people’s awareness on mental health and reduce stigma of mental illness in Hong Kong through public promotion. Activities include, but not limited to the followings:

  • Online Psychoeducation and Recovery Stories
    Obtain reliable information about mental health and stigma of mental illness in Hong Kong

  • Mindfulness and Burnout Workshop
    Learn more about burnout and mindfulness practices to reduce burnout

  • StoryTelling Day
    Listen to stories from people with lived experience of mental illness to understand their challenges and growth

  • Virtual reality (VR)
    Immerse into the lives of people with lived experience to relive the stigma they encounter

  • Public exhibition
    Let the general public know more about our project, obtain reliable information about mental health, and reduce stigma towards people with mental illness through  public exhibition and activities

  • Online video campaign
    Facilitate the general public to reflect on mental health issues through the 3-year online video campaign

Level 2:Promotion of well-being and personal growth (for all members)

1. Workshops

We organize Wellness Recovery Action Plan workshops (known as WRAP®) regularly. Participants can attend the 3-hour WRAP® Introductory Course to have a basic understanding of WRAP®. Through the 12-hour WRAP® Basic Course, participants can set up their own wellness toolbox according to their needs, and use the toolbox to handle changes in life, hence promote their wellbeing. Participants can also become a qualified WRAP® facilitator through the 35-hour WRAP® Facilitator course, and help promote WRAP® to others.

2. Online courses

After successfully registering as a member on the online platform, members can do a simple mental health check-up and take online exercises anytime and anywhere. They can know more about their mental health states, and promote their well-being and personal growth.

  • Cognitive-behavioral exercises

  • Mindfulness-based exercises

  • Self-compassion exercises

  • Online tips for daily Hassles

Level 3: Prevention of depression and anxiety (for users with moderate distress)

Identify users with moderate distress through simple online mental health check-up. Users can take online self-help courses with online coaching from psychological well-being officers. Online guided self-help courses include:

  • Mindfulness-based training
    Cultivate a mindful lifestyle to enhance awareness, reduce stress, and improve mental and physical health conditions

  • Rumination-focused cognitive behavioral training
    Reduce maladaptive ruminations and avoidance and develop adaptive behaviors

Level 4: Early intervention to psychological distress (for users with severe distress)

Identify users with severe distress through simple online mental health check-up. Through guided self-help for psychological interventions from psychological well-being officers, users can learn skills to manage anxiety and depressive symptoms and apply them in daily life.  Referral will be provided to users who are in need, hence offer early assistance to prevent depression and anxiety symptoms and handle emotional distress.

Project pamphlets

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