Diversity & Well-Being Laboratory
Larry Au Yeung
Research Interests
e-Health, Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT), Transdiagnostic theory, Positive Psychology, Path analysis, Latent growth modeling
I obtained a Bachelor of Psychology and Master of Public Health from CUHK. I truly believe that mental health is more than the absence of illness. Knowing that well-being is associated with various positive outcomes, including improved productivity, having meaningful relationships, less health care uptake, reduced risk of mental disorders, and reduced mortality, therefore, apart from reducing ill-being, I am very interested in well-being research and interventions that promote positive mental health and flourishing. I also have tremendous interest in online guided self-help interventions, as they can serve as non-stigmatizing and cost-effective mental health promotion tools to reach large target groups which may not otherwise be reached.
Auyeung, L., & Tse, W. (2017). Why Does Digit Ratio Research Fail to Give Any Implication Regarding the Organizational Effect of Prenatal Androgen?. Journal Of Individual Differences, 38(1), 36-45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/1614-0001/a000220
Conference Presentation
Auyeung, L., & Mo, P. K. H. (2018) The Efficacy and Mechanism of Online Positive Psychological Intervention (PPI) on improving Well-being among Chinese University Students. Invited presentation at the 16th The International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) Annual Conference