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Julia Sun

Research interests
Sexual health, online intervention, social media research, mental health promotion

I graduated from the psychology department, CUHK. Growing up in Hong Kong, I saw that the majority of youth still holds a lot of misconceptions about sexual health. This does not only affect their sexual health but also mental health. In my final year of undergraduate study, I founded Sticky Rice Love (, an online sexual health platform targeting Hong Kong youth. It provides youth-focused sexual health multimedia and a moderated online forum for youth to ask questions. I am always passionate about health promotion. Doing research on health promotion is important to me as evidence provides insight into methodologies and effectiveness. I completed my MPhil degree from the department of family medicine and primary care at HKU. With advanced technology, the way of doing health promotion becomes more flexible. My research focuses on using digital technology in sexual and mental health promotion. 

I enjoy being in nature. I hike or just go to the country park during weekends. I also love watching movies as it tells good stories. Lately, I do calligraphy as I love inspiring quotes. 

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