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Joann Teo


Research interests

Mental health promotion, common humanity, mindfulness, loving kindness, stigma reduction



I received my B.Soc.Sc in Psychology from the University of Hong Kong in 2016. I then joined the Community Child Health team (Queen Mary Hospital) and Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children as research assistant where I worked on promoting physical health among the children and adolescent community, and early identification of children with special education needs respectively. I am currently doing my M.S.Sc in Clinical Psychology.



Driven by my belief of “no health without mental health”, I aspire to raise mental health awareness and promote mental health in the community. I understand individual autonomy and human rights as entitlements but not privilege, so I hope to promote mutual respects and foster acceptance of individual differences, and ultimately create possibilities for those who are in needs of support. Coming from Southeast Asia, I wish that one day I could contribute to the development of mental health care system in the Southeast Asia by improving mental health literacy, reducing stigma towards mental illnesses and advocating for human rights and individual differences.



I love reading and studying political philosophy across different times and places, writing Chinese calligraphy, playing/listening to classical music, thinking about life and constantly reminding myself as a human being. I appreciate ancient poems and enjoy literature too!



梁敏、林穎姿、*張巧苑、翁羡婷、楊傲妍。「小巨人成長學習支援計劃」— 及早識別及支援有特殊成長發展及學習需要幼兒的研究。香港理工大學應用社會科學系及香港保護兒童會。

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